Thank you for continuing to meet us weekly to learn more about Marketable Women within our community! Week after week we have the opportunity to enthusiastically deliver an amazing Woman who has accepted her mission of service in life and crafted her talents and skills to share with the world. We continue to pursue the fortuity of connecting our platform with the network of Marketable Women to develop a networth of savvy Femmepreneurs, career, and goal-oriented Women. By connecting this way, we are all able to provide consistent support to one another! There is nothing like the comprehensive ability to tap into an expansive support system to govern our daily lives. Continue to check out for support tools that will aid you in your constant journey of self-awareness, business development, personal growth and so much more!
Meet Leila:
Leila is a 2019 Communications Graduate of Fairfield University. Leila's hobbies include photography and fashion; as such she loves to use clothes as her creative outlet.
Leila is currently working to cultivate a called clothing line called 98 Militia with her business partner. (Please stay tuned for details surrounding the launch date)! Leila describes the clothing line as one which will provide her client base with a casual drip that can be dressed up or down.
"I have always had a passion for how good an outfit makes me feel and would love to give that opportunity to others. I would like to use this line to collaborate with local businesses in the near future to give back to the community."
Leila describes The Marketable Woman as a woman who H.A.S. A Woman who is (H)umble, yet knows her worth and isn't afraid to add tax! (A)mbitious, a go-getter ready to knock out any obstacles out of the way to reach her goals. (S)uppotive of her community, family, and best of all other Women!
Leila, thank you for your contribution to Marketable Woman Monday! We appreciate your transparency in sharing your goals, aspirations. and visions of success. We Look forward to celebrating with you as you work to bring all of your dreams to fruition! We are on standby waiting for 98 Milita to drop so we can hit the town dripped down!